Whether you’re looking for more storage, a new workspace or anything in between, a shed
or outdoor structure can be the perfect addition to your property. Unfortunately, many towns
require a building permit for shed over a certain size—you’ll likely
need to navigate your way through some local town or zoning regulations first.
These regulations are very localized and vary by city/town, region or state—so it’s
important to understand which rules and requirements apply to you. If you don’t do
the proper research beforehand, you might face some fines or penalties down the
line; you might even end up having to relocate or modify your new shed if it doesn’t meet
the right specifications.
When Will I Need a Permit?Here’s a look at some common factors that can impact whether you’ll need a permit orsome form of approval before building a shed:
Shed Size and Location - in most places, you’ll need a permit if your shed will exceed acertain size or height. This information may be published online, and is also likely availablefrom your local town or city hall. It’s a good idea to get this information before you startdesigning your new shed to ensure you’ll be able to complete the build exactly the wayyou’d like.In addition to the size itself, the location or placement of your shed can also play a role inthe permit and approval process. Whether this will matter might be dictated by thelocation of your property, proximity to other structures or other concerns.Pro Tip: Depending on the project, you may find that your local municipality will requireeither a building or zoning permit (or both!) before you can begin. Take the time tounderstand exactly what’s required and make sure you’re able to obtain it beforeconstruction starts.Set Back Requirements - There are often restrictions regarding the amount of requireddistance between your shed and your property line, your home or any other nearby oradjacent structures. Make sure to learn what these requirements are for your property andstick to them when deciding where to place your new shed.Building Code Standards - Different locations can have very different building coderequirements. An area that regularly suffers from heavy rainfall and flooding, for instance,will require a different build than a property that’s warm and sunny year-round. Part of thepermit process will involve ensuring your new shed will be built to last and won’t be at riskof significant damage due to improper construction or materials.Electrical and Other Modifications - Any type of wiring, electricity or other utility-basedmodification will often require a permit and some additional approval. Depending on whatyou’re hoping to build or run inside of your new shed, you’ll want to do some research hereto understand how it will impact the permit process.Applying For Your Permit(s)Once you’ve reviewed the information above and have planned out your new dream shed,it’s time to get in touch with the appropriate local office(s) to apply for any relevantpermits!In order to request a permit and receive approval, you’ll likely need to include somerelevant information and documentation as part of the submission process. This caninclude building plans and architectural drawings, information about the builder orcontractor who’s completing the work, and other items. Make sure you have any of theserequired documents available when completing a permit application.Working with Urban ShedsAt Urban Sheds, we put our clients in total control of the shed-design process—and we’llwork with you to understand and navigate any of the unique zoning, building andregulatory requirements in your location.Our local craftsmen and builders are experts in both their field and in the localcommunities we serve. Our team has the experience and knowledge needed to build yourdream shed and ensure it adheres to any and all requirements in your town or city.Looking for more information about shed-building requirements, considerations and bestpractices? Download the Urban Sheds 2019 Buyer’s Guide today!